Our Story
Throughout scripture, time and time again, God provides for His people exactly what they need at just the right time. In the same way, God has been faithful to Foundation Christian School throughout our history.
This school began as a vision in the hearts and minds of a small group of people, as the Lord called them to step out in faith at His leading. Believing that with God all things are possible, these people met countless times over a period of a few months to create a plan for a non-denominational JK-Grade 8 school. This plan came together only by the grace of God.
God prompted several generous people to contribute to this vision in significant ways. Even before they had a building, one person offered to furnish the school. Another person provided computers for the school. Then a developer offered to buy Winterbourne Public School and mortgage it back to Foundation. It was a gift from God, and it was His plan to have the school located in a rural community.
Many families came together over a six week period to scrub, clean, paint, tear down and build up. Once the community learned of the school, the visitors were endless, and donations started to pour in. God was so faithful to provide everything we needed through the generosity of His people.
On the day the school opened Pastor Doug Kranz gave glory to God for how He led us every step of the way. God was at work to establish the school in the beginning. He continues to be at work at Foundation today, many years later.
His Spirit is present in the school, bringing a sense of community. He provides generous donors who believe in our ministry to kids. He works in the hearts of staff and students alike. He draws us closer to Christ and transforms us more and more into His image.
We look forward to all that God has for Foundation Christian School in the future.