Winterbourne, ON

Winterbourne, ON

Application Process

Application Process

Our application process helps us to get to know one another better. We want to help you ensure Foundation is a good fit for your family. To do this, we follow these steps with interested families:

1. Visit the School

You and your family should visit the school and have a tour. We also encourage families to consider having their child visit the classroom. If you are interested in having your child take part in a classroom visit, please call the school to make arrangements. The length of the visit is usually one hour to one half day, depending on the age and comfort level of your child. During the visit, the teacher will usually include the child in whatever activity the class is pursuing at the time.

2. Meet the Principal

To help you determine if Foundation is a good fit for your family, we will arrange for an appointment with our principal. The principal will discuss with you the vision and mission of the school. Some of the school's policies and procedures, and it's academic program will be covered. It is also a good chance to ask any further questions that you may have. Children in Grade 7-8 may or may not have a separate interview time with the principal for a few minutes.

3. Discuss and Pray

After this interview we want you to take some time to discuss and prayerfully consider Foundation as the school home for your family. The principal and relevant staff will also be prayerfully considering your application.

4. Invitation to Register

After prayer and consultation, you will be informed by phone and/or email about a decision within a few days.

5. Complete Registration

Once you are accepted for registration, we will email you a link to our digital registration form. You will need to complete the registration form, including information for each child attending. The online registration form contains the following essential elements for registering your child at Foundation:

  • Foundation Christian School Registration Form
  • Student Reference form [for students entering grades 7 and 8 only]
  • Behaviour Covenant [for students entering grades 1 to 8]
  • Resources & Technology Covenant [for students entering grades 1 to 8]
  • Family Covenant [one per family]
  • Affirmation of school’s Statement of Faith
  • Tuition and Fee schedule
  • Dress Code policy
  • Family Handbook [must be read and fully agreed with]
  • Parent Engagement Form

6. Submit Tuition Deposit

The tuition registration deposit is due upon registration. For Canadian families, a non refundable deposit of $250.00 per family. This amount is deducted from your total tuition for the year. International students submit a $500.00 per student fee at the time of registration. This is non-refundable and is in addition to the total amount of tuition for the year. For more information ask for the International Student Tuition schedule.

7. Welcome to Foundation!

We are so glad to have you join our school community! We look forward to getting to know your family better.