Winterbourne, ON

Winterbourne, ON

Tuition & Financial Aid

Tuition & Financial Aid

As you come closer to registering with Foundation Christian School, we want to ensure you have all the information you need to consider. Many families are nervous at first about affording Christian education.  If that is you, you are not alone!  In fact, most families start out in Christian schools knowing they will have to make big adjustments, and do careful planning around affording the tuition.  In the end, it is worth it as an investment in your children, developing in them a Christian worldview, and providing them with deep learning. 

Tax Receipts

Foundation provides a federal donation receipt each year, if applicable, for a portion of your tuition paid. A tax receipt will be issued in the spring to reduce your income tax payable. Our Finance Manager will be happy to discuss information regarding receipts and donations.

Tuition Grid

Financial stewardship is important to us. We publish a tuition range in the early spring, within which tuition will be set each year. This helps families to plan their finances while we finalize our budget based on registration. The tuition range for 2024-2025 is published below:

# of Children
Who are in Grades(s)
2024-2025 Tuition
3 Day JK/SK**
3 Day JK/SK**
Full Time child in JK/SK – Grade 8
1 child in grade 1 – 8
+ 1 in 3 Day JK/SK
Full Time children in JK/SK -Grade 8
1 Full Time child JK-Grade 8
+ 2 in 3 Day JK/SK
2 Full Time children JK-Grade 8
+ 1 in 3 Day JK/SK
or more full time students
Payment Options & Discounts
One Payment per school year
July 1
2.5% discount applies
2 Payments per school year
July 1 and October 1
2% discount applies
4 Payments per school year
July 1, September 1, November 1 and January 1
1.5% discount applies
9 Payments per school year
July 1 through to March 1 inclusive
no discount applies
This is the only option for families
benefiting from the new family incentive

Transportation Assistance

Transportation via bus is available for most families at an estimated cost of $2,600 per family per year. Apply when you register. Routes are confirmed late summer. Contact us if you have any questions, or want more information about tuition.