Our School Events

Weekly Worship Gatherings
Friday Mornings, 9:15am
On Friday mornings we invite parents to join us as the whole school gathers for worship. Our worship team, comprised of all ages of students, leads us in musical worship, we pray together, and then we learn from the Bible. Corporate worship builds a sense of community among the students, and emphasizes the importance of using our time and talents to worship God. More info…

Foundation Family Reunion
Second Saturday after School Starts
Foundation families and their extended families – including grandparents & alumni – are invited to the school to celebrate the beginning of the school year. Rain or shine! Bring your families and lawn chairs. Relax & enjoy some fun, food and friendship! Parents will be able to meet their gemstone teammates while the kids help create their banners, which will be on display all year in the Gathering Room.

Annual General Meeting
To be determined
Join us as we discuss important business regarding the school. Childcare provided.

Winterbourne Wonderland
Second Saturday in November

Donor's Day lunch
Date Determined Yearly
This luncheon is one way we can thank our donors for their generous support of the school over the years.

Christmas Program
Yearly in December
Join us at Calvary Church in St. Jacob’s as the students perform their Christmas musical.

Grandparents Pancake Lunch
Date Determined Yearly
Grandparents of students are invited to join us for a school-wide pancake & sausage luncheon.

Science Fair
Date Determined Yearly
Join us to see awesome student Science Fair exhibits and enjoy a social time with other families.

Celebrate the Arts
Yearly in May
Join us for fun and frivolity as the students perform their incredible musical. Following that you are invited to stroll through our art gallery featuring masterpieces by our students and enjoy light refreshments.

Annual Business Meeting
Yearly in May
Join us as we discuss important business regarding the school. Childcare provided.

Founder’s Day & Family Picnic
Yearly in June