Outdoor Time & Athletics
Experiencing God’s creation and moving our bodies are important aspects of health and well-being. We believe learning is enhanced when children can take a break and get some fresh air. In addition to before and after school, our students enjoy the outdoors three times during their school day. During this outdoor time, students can play on the playground, enjoy a team game of football, soccer or basketball, build forts in the winter, and engage in imaginative play. Teachers often take their classes outside for learning as well.
God has given students athletic abilities and our athletics program is designed to develop these gifts. In Kindergarten, students begin learning the skills for a variety of sports including cross country, football, soccer, basketball, floor hockey, badminton and more.
Our senior students have opportunities throughout the year to play competitive team and individual sports. We are a part of CAASO, the Christian Athletic Association of Southwestern Ontario, and therefore we take part in several tournaments throughout the year in which we compete with other Christian Schools in the area.
God has given students athletic abilities and our athletics program develops these gifts.